Communications is one of the
primary functions of what the Arkansas Defense Force does. It has been apparent that cellular, landline, and even the internet are not reliable
forms of communication in a crisis and even when those forms of communication are available they may be almost unusable due to demand.
The ADF uses several forms of communication and one of the predominant forms we use is Amateur Radio bands in the HF, VHF, and UHF frequencies.
We are avidly involved in communications planning and exercises which we conduct weekly. We are always adapting new technology and welcome both
those with electronics and communication experience. Experience isn't neccessary - we'll help you get the training and develop the skills needed to
be an emergency communicator.
We encourage and will readily assist all members of the ADF in obtaining an FCC Amateur Radio license so they can participate in our nets and
exercises and be prepared for a crisis.
We perform a weekly VHF/UHF net and a monthly HF net. For information on the HF net click on the Radio Days
icon above.
We have a net every Thrusday at 7:30pm on the Arkansas Public Health Radio Network
as well as our core relationship with Skywarn Arkansas. The frequencies for the APHRN
are at the bottom of this page.
The Arkansas Defense Force provides training in order to obtain or upgrade FCC Amateur Radio licenses. You can download a system to help you
prepare for exams here. You can also Google 'Ham Practice Exams' and find many others.
We recommend Ham We also conduct routine exam
sessions for those that wish to test for these licenses. Currently we only conduct exams in North Little Rock however in the near future we
will be conducting exam sessions across the state. Testing sessions are normally conducted the last Saturday of the month except for December.
The exam sessions are held at the Esther D. Nixon Library, in the Meeting Room located at 703 W Main St, Jacksonville. We do ask that you contact us at 501-413-7243 at least a couple of days prior to testing so we can ensure you receive the latest testing information.
The testing site location can be found on Google maps here.
The mandated fee for testing is $15.00. This covers a full exam session so if you pass a lower level test you can take the next higher
class test during the session with no additional cost.
Those candidates wishing to earn their first Amateur Radio License, or upgrade their present valid license, need to bring the following:
1. A form of government-issued Photo ID (e.g. Drivers license, Passport, etc). When no photo ID is available, the candidate must present
any two of the following:
- Non-photo ID/driver's license (some states still have them);
- Social Security Card;
- Birth certificate (must have the appropriate seal);
- Minor's work permit, school report card, school ID card or library card;
- Utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or
- Postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on the Form 605.
If you use a non-photo ID as listed above, please bring a non-returnable copy that we can submit with your application
2. If you upgrading your license, the original and photo copy of your amateur radio license or CSCE notice of passing an exam element.
3. $15.00 Exam fee (exact cash preferred), Cash, Check or Money Order accepted.
4. You must have your Social Security number or optional FRN (FCC Registration Number ) or TIN (Tax Payer
Identification Number) with you.
We do advise you to obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) prior to testing, but you don't have to. This allows you to use an FRN ID number instead of your
social security number during testing. There is no cost for obtaining an FRN and you will receive it instantly. Please bring this number
with you when testing. You can register for an FRN here. If you have
questions the FCC FRN FAQ is
an excellent source for answers.
The benefit of having one is that it will speed up processing your new license.
ADF Amateur Radio Club
The Arkansas Defense Force Amateur Radio Club (ADFArc) is part of the Information Division of the
Arkansas Defense Force and its callsign is KD5ADF. It is worth saying that most organizations such as
the ADF does not have a licensed callsign granted by the FCC. It's main purpose is to assist the ADF in ham radio communications throughout the state. Membership in the ADFArc is free to all licensed amateur radio operators.
Besides its main purpose the other areas that the ADFArc is involved in are:
- Weekly HF, VHF and UHF nets
- Field Days, training and DX exercises
- Training and testing for higher licenses
- Work with others expanding amateur radio in Arkansas
- Be part of an emergency communication team
- Participate in severe weather related communications
Joining the ADFArc is easy. Simply send an email to and state that you wish to join the ADFArc and give your call sign. If you don't have a call sign then we will flag you for training to get one and will give you both the training aids and the test when you are ready. Also please state your interests so we can help make your experience with us the best we can.
Members of the ADFArc can participate in training as an Certified Net Controller (CNC). Among other things, the CNC can perform nets and
other tactical communications. Currently we only have two nets per week and we'd like to have multiple nets on multiple days. But in order to
do this, we need many CNC's.
Communications are going to become very vital in the days, weeks and months ahead. Come join a group that takes this very seriously.
Join today!
We hold a field day excercise every last Sunday of the month around the state which we refer to as Radio Day as we also test early that afternoon.
Click here for more information and sign up to receive texts.
The Arkansas Defense Force Radio Network are members of the Arkansas
Defense Force Amateur Radio Club (KD5ADF) and provide the ADF net control communications and other activities for the ADF. The overall
purpose of the ADFRN is to provide information and issue communications to ADF personnel when needed. The ADFRN is under the Information
Division of the ADF, and its members are not required to be full members of the ADF. Bookmark this page so you can check the above information
when the next Nets are scheduled.
The ADFRN is registered with ARRL and can be found in its national directory as Arkansas Defense Emergency Communication Network.
The HF frequencies will be monitored most evenings and weekends outside the scheduled net times.
It is easy to join the ADFRN and there are two ways to do it. Call 501-413-7243
or email and provide your callsign. You do not have to be a formal member of the ADF to participate in our nets and no dues or obligations towards the ADF apply. We do however require you to be a member of the Arkansas Defense Force Amateur Radio Club.
We would like to have regular daily nets so if you are interested in running a net for us on a regular basis and you live in Arkansas,
please contact us.
Procedures and Information.
The use of Q-codes are to be expected during the net both in simplex and HF. The following should be the only ones to be used:
QSL* - Acknowledgement
QRZ - Any other stations? (Usually pronounced Q-R-Zed)
QTH - Location
QSP* - Will you relay to
QRU* - Have traffic
QSY - Move to a different frequency
(* can be used either as a question or affirmation)
Arkansas Public Health Radio Network Repeaters
Frequency | Offset | Tone | Call Sign | Location |
442.4000 | +5.0 | 94.8 | W5WRA | Imboden |
443.9375* | +5.0 | N/A | KG5AU | Jonesboro |
444.150 | +5.0 | 94.8 | KF5OTW | Jonesboro |
145.130 | -0.6 | 114.8 | N5AT | Little Rock |
147.360 | +0.6 | 136.5 | W5BXJ | Malvern |
442.850 | +5.0 | 97.4 | KF5BZP | Mountain View |
442.3675* | +5.0 | N/A | KF5BZP | Mountain View |