Arkansas Militia
One of the most distinctive features of the Arkansas Defense Force is in its community involvement. As you will
see, we offer many different ways to serve the people of Arkansas in a variety of ways. As a result of this, we
are always looking for volunteers to help as well as organizations to help. We are also able to assist other groups
with their charitable activities.
Please check our Events page for current community involvements.
One of the best ways we can help local and state law enforcement is by search and rescue, whether by missing persons or
as a result of severe weather or other natural disasters.
We invite the public to many of our activities (with the exception of certain training) in such areas as survival
skills, emergerency preparedness, firearms safety, just to name a few. We are family oriented and include even
the youngest in our training.
When severe weather occurs we are involved during the event via communications along with the CAUHF group on VHF/UHF to track and report.
Afterwards in the event of damage or flooding we help with assistance in any way we can.
When it comes to city or county celebrations of festivals, we provide a first aid tent and also communications throughout the event to help with
any help that might be needed.
We do clothing and other item drives for vets and childen on a regular basis throughout the state.
We work with Habitat for Humanity whenever we can.
We participate in KTHV's annual Summer Cereal Drive.
We perform monthly amateur radio exam sessions in North Little Rock. Since we started this in 2014, we
have seen many new licensees to the hobby.
There is no limit to the aid we can be to the people of Arkansas, and we strive to find new ways to achieve these
goals. Come and be a part of the ADF today and help us help others.